Join Scouting
Join Scouting
Join Pack 664 for our Join Scouting night at Lois Lenski Elementry
Welcome to Centennial Colorado Pack 664 at Lois Lenski Elementry. We are a Family Pack which is open to all. Check out our calendar below to join our next meeting.
Volunteer Parents are needed! The BSA places the greatest importance on creating a secure enviroment for kids. Youth protection training is free for all and required for scout leaders. Position specific training is available and roles with lower time commitments including on the pack committee.
Meetings calendar for Pack 664
Join Scouting
Join Pack 664 for our Join Scouting night at Lois Lenski Elementry
Air and water to launch bottles into the air! Can you catch them?
Thanks so much to everyone who joined us August 28th. It was a fantastic event and reached new hights going to the second powerline in several cases. Please join us Wednesday September 11th for kickball and scouting registration!
Scouting USA has lauched a new advancement trail. This trail is designed to align six core values across the grades.